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Missouri Court Records

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Are Jackson County Divorce Records Public?

In Jackson County, divorce records are not open to the general public. Instead, the Rules of the Department of Health and Senior Services specifically define the categories of individuals allowed to access and examine divorce records, limiting access to those with a direct and tangible interest in the record. Consequently, custodians often require applicants to provide identification, proof of their relationship to the person named on the record, and signature before granting access. This measure helps to protect identities, prevent fraud, and preserve the integrity of these records.

Who Can Access Jackson County Public Records?

In Jackson County, only individuals considered to have direct and tangible interest in a divorce case can access certified copies of a divorce record. This includes:

  • The Registrants
  • A member of their immediate family
  • Their guardian and
  • Either of the parties' official representative

Direct and tangible interest can also be demonstrated by other individuals if they show that the record is needed to determine or protect personal or property rights.

Do I Need to State My Purpose and Use When Requesting Divorce Records in Jackson County?

For confidentiality reasons, the custodians of divorce records may request the following details from each applicant:

  • Their signature
  • Relationship to the person named on the record, and
  • The purpose of the request
  • Where the record is requested by mail, a notarized statement is typically required.

However, government agencies are not required to abide by the same procedural requirements. For government agencies, only the signature, title of the agent, name of agency, and employee identification are required.

An individual may seek to obtain a copy of a divorce record for various reasons, including changing one’s name, providing proof of eligibility to remarry, genealogical research, and other personal interests. Government and private agencies also require divorce records for statistical analysis and data. Foreign governments typically require an authenticated record for adoption, work visas, or establishing residency.

How do you Request Divorce Records in Jackson County?

While the State Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) can issue a certified statement regarding a divorce, an actual certified copy of the original divorce decree can only be obtained by contacting the Department of Civil Records, the custodian of all records regarding civil and domestic cases filed in the 16th Circuit Court. Individuals seeking certified copies of a divorce decree in Jackson County can contact the Department at (816) 881-1710 to receive a copy.

A divorce statement can be requested from the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services Bureau of Vital Records by following these steps:

  • Download and complete the Application for Missouri Vital Records Form
  • Find out the search fee for the record (Missouri requires a non-refundable fee for each vital record request).
  • Include the search fee—-make a check or money order payable to the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services. Checks must be drawn from a United States bank. A money order must be drawn from a United States bank or issued by the United States Postal Service. Cash or blank checks are not accepted.
  • Include a self-addressed stamped return envelope with tangible interest documents or a signed, notarized statement authorizing the release of the record in the application:

Mail to:

Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services
Bureau of Vital Records

930 Wildwood Drive
Jefferson City, MO 65109

For in-person requests:

  • Call the Bureau at (573) 751-6387 to schedule an in-person appointment. By-appointment services are offered from 10 AM – 3 PM with the last appointment slot scheduled at 2:30 PM.

Take it to:

Bureau of Vital Records
Jefferson City Vital Record Lobby

930 Wildwood Drive
Jefferson City, MO 65109
Phone: (573) 751-6387

Note: When completing the application in person, applicants must show proper identification.

What Information is Included in a Jackson County Divorce Record?

A certificate of dissolution of marriage typically includes the following details:

  • The case number;
  • Husband’s name, residence, date of birth, birthplace;
  • Wife’s name, maiden surname, residence, date of birth, birthplace,
  • Place of marriage
  • Date of this marriage
  • Date the couple last resided in the same household;
  • Number of children under eighteen (18) in this household as of the date the couple last resided in the same household;
  • The Petitioner;
  • Name of petitioner’s attorney; address of attorney;
  • Date of dissolution;
  • Type of decree;
  • Number of children under eighteen (18) whose physical custody was awarded to;
  • Child support was awarded to;
  • County of decree;
  • Title of court;
  • Title and signature of certifying official;
  • Number of this marriage—husband;
  • Number of this marriage—wife;
  • Husband—if previously married, last marriage ended by (check box) and date;
  • Wife—if previously married, the last marriage ended by (check box) and date; husband’s race; wife’s race; husband’s education; wife’s education.

Fees for Accessing Jackson County Divorce Records

The DHSS charges a $15.00 fee for the issuance of a statement of divorce and a $15 fee for each additional copy. The issuance fee is generally valid for 1 year. However, If a requester believes their request serves the public interest and is not just for personal or commercial interest, they may ask that the fees be waived:

How Long Does It Take to Obtain Divorce Records in Jackson County?

The DHSS average processing time for mail requests is 4-8 weeks, provided the agency is not burdened by overwhelming requests at the time the request was made. Processing times could be extended if the request is submitted with errors or requires additional research time. Records may be obtained even faster at the Department of Civil Records,Er. where the divorce was filed.

Can I Request Divorce Records Online in Jackson County?

Case Information on some divorce records in the Department of Civil Records may be accessible online at Case.net. Third-party sites like Missouricourtrecords.us may serve as a useful alternative for accessing Jackson County divorce records. Due to their user-friendly interface and the convenience they provide, record seekers sometimes make them their go-to source for court records. However, these sites are not government-affiliated and typically have no connection with any government agency. While these platforms strive to make sure the information provided is accurate, they provide no guarantees as to the completeness or accuracy of a record.

Are There Any Exceptions to Accessing Jackson County Divorce Records?

The primary limitation to accessing Jackson County divorce records is the direct and tangible interest potential requesters are required to have in order to gain access to these records. However, once an individual falls under the category of those permitted to access divorce records and can show proof of tangible interest, there are typically no limitations to the amount of information available to such individuals on the requested record, provided the application is completed, signed, and submitted with the required fee paid. This policy exists to protect identities, prevent fraud, and preserve the integrity of these records.

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